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Two companies of State Owned Enterprises (SOE),Build Mini Hydro Plant in Solok,West Sumatra,Indonesia

Two companies of State Owned Enterprises (SOE), PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (Persero) and PT Brantas Abipraya work together establish a new company, PT Rajawali Liki EnergI.


The new company will develop mini hydro power plant in the area of ​​South Solok, West Sumatra.

Director of Business Development and Investment Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia Agung P Murdanoto said Rajawali Liki Energi is a manifestation of synergy in the field of energy.

Currently, Indonesia is boosting the acceleration of the construction of Mini Hydro Power (MHP) with 15.6 MW of power in South Solok, West Sumatra. In the area are tea plantations owned Mitra Kerinci, which is a subsidiary of the company. By cooperating with Abipraya Brantas is expected to accelerate the realization of the MHP so that the problem of electricity around the limitations of South Solok can be resolved.

"This project is part of the development work done in Mitra Kerinci. With the availability of sufficient electricity, the expected rate of the economy in South Solok can be raised again, "Agung said as quoted from a written statement, Saturday (01/07/2017).

Chairman of the Parliament of South Solok shidiq Ilyas also reminded that this project in addition to generating electricity can also contribute to increase the flow of tourists who came to South Solok, so the local community can also enjoy manfat economically from their power plants this.

Meanwhile, Director of PT Rajawali Liki Ondi Energi said the current development progress and we are negotiating with PLN as the buyer of electricity. It is expected this process is not too long so that it can immediately go into the construction process.

"Targeted MHP commenced operations in 2017. Thus, the company's efforts to increase profits and employee benefits can be realized smoothly," said Ondi.

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